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Smart Toys: How Android Is Transforming The Way We Play & Learn

Embedded Services IoT

August 12, 2014

Smart toys are not something of the future – they’re already here! Today’s version of smart toys though, is very different from what we can expect to see in the coming years. Recent updates to Android have made the OS ideal for developing interactive, smart toys that not only change the way we define “play,” but foster interactive learning like never before. Why are Android toys different? What are the benefits of using Android OS over any other OS in smart toy development? How does the future of intelligent toys differ from where we are today? Check out the graphic below for the answer to these questions and more!

Intelligent toys are not something of the future – they’re already here! Today’s version of smart toys though, is very different from what we can expect to see in the coming years. Recent updates to Android have made the OS ideal for developing interactive, intelligent toys that not only change the way we define “play,” but foster interactive learning like never before. Why are Android toys different? What are the benefits of using Android over any other OS in smart toy development? How does the future of intelligent toys differ from where we are today? Check out the graphic below for the answer to these questions and more!

Smart Toys: How Android Is Transforming The Way We Play & Learn

Smart Toys: How Android Is Transforming The Way We Play & Learn

Smart Toys: How Android Is Transforming The Way We Play & Learn

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