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Drone Middleware

Drone Middleware

Drone Middleware and Ecosystem Engineering

HSC works with leading ISVs and OEMs looking to integrate their products with drone platforms. Examples of verticals that benefit from our drone engineering expertise:

  • Imaging hardware and software developers looking to integrate their software/hardware into popular drone platforms
  • Action/Sports OEMs looking to supplement their product line with drones for action photograph/videography
  • Cloud-based drone management systems involved in drone routing, waypoint planning
  • ISVs/OEMs in the security and surveillance space

HSC Drone Skills

Embeded Android

Drone Middleware/Embedded Skills

  • Porting device drivers to connect specific OEM accessories to drones
  • Development and maintenance of PX4-based Drone Middleware (including custom forks)
  • Wireless, BT/LE and other protocol stack porting, development and profile development
  • Integration of image recognition/classification libraries based on Convolution Neural Networks (CNN)s



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