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(For OLD SDK: m5-rc15) SIP UA + Stack for Google Android (GPL Source Code)
Mar 17, 2009

NOTE THIS IS FOR SDK version 0.7. Please see new contribution for 1.0, the latest SDK HSC is pleased to announce a free community port of the MJSIP stack and UA to Google’s Android Platform. The ZIP file contains both the SIP stack and the UA. It also contains a ported RTP implementation which is commented out because the Android emulator does not support audio capture as of Apr/29/2008. Size: 1.00 MB

IPv4 to IPv6 Protocol Translator for Multicast
Apr 15, 2009

HSC is pleased to announce an open source code which has support for protocol translation of IGMPv3 to MLDv2. This translation can be used on a IGMP/MLD relay network node which has a IPv4 network on the subscriber side and an IPv6 network on network side or vice versa.The implementation shall allows the relay node to signal to next hop multicast router residing in an IPv6 network that there are interested listeners resident in an IPv4 network or vice versa.

File Size: 1.00 MB

RTP Stack for Android
Jul 24, 2009

HSC is pleased to announce a free community port of the jlibRTP stack to Android Platform (as of Jan 20 2008).

File Size: 84.74 KB

MSRP stack for Android
Jul 24, 2009

HSC is pleased to offer an android port of the msrp stack from for the open source community.

File Size: 199.79 KB

Updated for SDK 1.0r1: SIP UA+Stack for Android
Jul 24, 2009

HSC is pleased to announce a free community port of an initial IMS UA to Google’s Android Platform, updated for the latest SDK 1.0r1 as of Nov/17/2008. The ZIP file contains both the SIP stack and the IMS UA. This release does not include the RTP stack as it is already a part of the released Android source code at: Size: 1.00 MB

STUN stack port for Android SDK v1.0r1
Jul 24, 2009

HSC is pleased to offer a STUN stack port for Google Android SDK version 1.0r1. This is a port of the jStun stack available at This release does not accompanying documentation. We expect developers to know the Android environment and the existing jStun interfaces (which are documented at: Size: 38.55 KB

IMS UA for Google Android
Feb 10, 2022

HSC is pleased to announce a free community port of an initial IMS UA to Google’s Android Platform, updated for the latest SDK 1.0r1 as of Nov/17/2008. The ZIP file contains both the SIP stack and the IMS UA. This release does not include the RTP stack as it is already a part of the released Android source code at: Size: 1.78 MB


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