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Intelligent Monetization Platform

Intelligent Monetization Platform


HSC’s Intelligent Monetization Platform (IMP) for Retail is an advanced analytics platform that connects multiple data sources from your business, combining and correlating multiple customer attributes to deliver meaningful insights. 

Intuitive dashboards make it easy to visualize and monitor key business KPIs. HSC’s IMP can extract relevant customer-related attributes from multiple sources like the Next Generation Hotspot SolutionPeople Insights AI, as well as attributes from any pre-existing sources that may already have like loyalty databases, POS data, Apps and much more. 

Empower your business with monetization opportunities with a built-in platform to connect with your customers in real time. Increase the effectiveness of your marketing efforts by personalizing those engagements over their preferred channels. 

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How It Works

The platform connects and correlates varied data sources, either from HSC’s suite of solutions or pre-existing systems in the business ecosystem. 

The platform is hosted on the cloud and is enabled with Kubernetes for orchestration. The data collected in data receivers go through the big-data pipeline for processing. Analytics jobs are responsible for data aggregation on an hourly or daily basis for different insights. 

IMP can also work with other 3rd party systems like ad-servers for 3rd party ads or digital signage for in-premise group promotions.


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