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Mobile Test Automation Services

Mobile Test Automation Services

With the advent and wide proliferation of smart phones/tablets, devices have transitioned from being a communication medium to that of a multipurpose productivity gadget as rich as a PC in features and compute power. As a consequence more and more businesses are focusing on strengthening their mobile strategy to not miss out on this mobile revolution and the big consumer base/potential business it provides.

Testing apps for mobile devices  can be very complicated and time consuming if done manually. The app must be tested on various handsets running different operating system versions (iOS, Android, Windows Mobile etc) on different networks. To add to this challenge,there are different hardware configurations, interface layers, and network capabilities to consider as well.

Understandably, the testing matrix for multi-platform apps can present any organization with a number of serious challenges that can affect product quality, time-to-market, and profitability. As with conventional applications, there is an increased need to automate mobile apps testing to improve scale and efficiency.

A well-orchestrated automation strategy enables hardware manufacturers and app developers to significantly reduce effort (compared to manual testing) and accelerate time to market.

HSC Experience:

HSC has experience in automation testing of all sorts of mobile applications, whether native, web-based or hybrid using our Mobile Test Automation Framework and customer-specific proprietary solutions. HSC architects can help you choose the right automation strategy and automation test tools for your mobile ecosystem.

HSC engineers have experience in most of the widely used automation frameworks/tools/languages like Appium, Robotium, Selendroid, Monkey Talk, Python, Selenium and others.

To accelerate Mobile Automation Testing HSC has developed a comprehensive Mobile Application Test Automation Framework (MATAF) which can address most of the mobile automation challenges.

Key features of MATAF include:

At a high level, the architecture of MATAF is shown below:

Mobile Test Automation Services



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